I'm the Editor-in-Chief of NerdyButFlirty, an all-woman gaming and geek culture website.
Recommended Games (Alphabetical Order)
Games I particularly liked are linked here. Will be updated as I play more!
20Something, All The Dead Bones [Broken Remix], A(s)century, The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne, Cibele, Date or Die: The Pilot Episode, Date or Die: Prologue, The Disappearance of Eileen Kestler, Dominique Pamplemousse in "It's All Over Once The Fat Lady Sings!", Earthtongue, Eden, Hustle Cat, Gone Home, Jenny LeClue: The Journal of Professor Zazer, Kindness Coins, Line Crossing, mailfrog, Marginalia, Never Have I Ever, NITW: Longest Night, NITW: Lost Constellation, Night in the Woods, The Prom King (and other stories, The Right Side of Town, Simmons, Stones of Solace, The Temple of No, The Terror Aboard the Speedwell: Special Edition, Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition, Upon Reflection